She is named Lily Catherine S_____ Snow. She is much smarted than Jake. She loves to sharing his bed with him.Chewing on and sharing the dog toys with Jakie. She shares better than Jake. Enough said about her. Isn't she cute.
We just got back from Wisconsin visiting Tim and family. They called a week ago and wanted us to come. So off we went. We ate out and just had a wonderful time enjoying the kids. Rugby eating one of the many ice cream cones we had. Knowing we were leaving the next morning. He came up with a great idea so we could stay. He told his mom we could stay and she could just go out and buy us some more clothes to wear. How easy the problem was solved. This really touched me that he really wanted us to stay.Emerson enjoying his ice cream.
The girls the night before we left.
Scout the newest member of their family. What a cute lovable little puppy he was.
I never remember to take pictures. But I did get a few.
I have taken over the downstairs living room and turn it into my sewing room. Since it is a sewing room. I decided to decorate it with things that are handmade. First is this tie dye and wax picture from Kenya, Africa. My sister brought it home from Kenya for me. I don't know what it is called. a closer up Just look at the work that was put into it. The fifth bird from the left they forgot to put the black over the orange. Little mistakes like that just make it more special to me. Machines don't make mistakes.
From Chile
Peru. All the little figures are hand made and sewn on to the background. tons of handwork.
One of my bobbin lace pieces.
Come and visit me and you can see the rest of the stuff.