Monday, May 2, 2011


My sister-in-law, Laurie) got me hooked on solar lights at Christmas time. All Led lights. They use no engery. Cheap to buy, well not too much anyway. Fun to watch. You could line your side walk with them to and help you see out at night.

I now have a night time garden that takes very little tending. None in fact. No watering at least. Just make sure they are in the sun 8 hours every day. They change colors (into red then orange, yellow blue green, purple) , all night long and make a little light, too.

I have lilies, daisies, sun flower, snow flakes and a blinking pink bushs. I also have good bugs, a dragonfly, a butterfly and a swarm of little pink butterflies that blink, no picture.

How is that for a new night time garden and very easy to tend.

1 comment:

Adele Austin said...

Hey!! Those are way cool! I will have to get us some. (We certainly have plenty of sun!)