Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mexico again

We were in Mexico last week and of course pictures of the sun rise was in order.  I love getting up in the morning and watching the sun come up.   The grunion were running which is always an extra treat.   
The latest little baby quilt that I made.  The twister is easy and looks very hard.  I love it.
 So as a beginner I could make it with no problem. As I was making it I thought it would look pink so I  bought pink backing.  But it turned out to be green and still got the pink backing. . 


Stefanie Hathaway said...

We love the quilt so much! Thank you for making that Margene, it is beautiful! Glad Mexico is as great as ever!

Brenda said...

The pink backing looks great, but it does remind me that I generally don't buy the backing until I'm done with the top - but I figure if it doesn't clash and it's on sale - sold!