Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I had decided not to post another post about the ocean and San Felipe. (Some of these pictures are R-rated) Well, the grunion were running and how could I not post this. A grunion is a long skinny silvery fish about 7 inches long. The grunion run an hour or so after high tide, I don't know how often. They come up on the beach to lay their eggs in the sand. The grunion in San Felipe always run in during the day, where the ones on our California beaches run at night. We sat on the beach almost two hours watching and taking pictures of them that afternoon.

There seem to be millions just on the beach in front of our cabin.

They were just thick with all the females trying to lay her eggs in the sand.

The female fish wiggle and twist, using her tail to dig herself down in the sand. The male wraps himself around and releases the sperm . Sometimes more that one male will wrap around her. This all has to be done between waves. They are very fast.

Notice all the females twisting down in the sand.

A grunion run last about 2 hours. Then after about two weeks, on high tide the hatching hatch and swim out to sea. See why I posted it.


Scott said...

I remember see that a lot of years ago. It was so cool to see. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

Julie said...

Wow, those are amazing pictures!

Brenda said...

I remember the grunion from at night when we used to camp at Carlsbad Beach when I was a teenager, you had to take a lantern with you to catch any. I didn't know they did it in the daytime in Mexico - cool pics. (Can't imagine the R-rated pics from Mexico, Melissa is all grown up and probably not putting water balloons in her bikini top any more)