Monday, February 1, 2010


Last time the Snow's were here Willow dressed Lily up, in the dress up clothes .

How is that for a pretty little princess carrying a dinosaur or playing with a truck. Lily came over today. She found Grandma's makeup. I guess that someone needs to use it any way.
She is our cute little brown eyed Snow baby.
Every time she comes she has a new way how to say Grandpa (grandpa to mepa to jimpa). But he doesn't care.


Brenda said...

She is a little cutie. She looks like a Taylor for sure - even if she is a snow baby. (The quilt I am making started with a 2 and a half inch square in the middle. It's from a book called "Gathered from the Garden" you can get it pretty cheap on

catherine said...

is it just me... but i think she looks like i did? maybe heavenly father gave her to the wrong sister