Sunday, January 30, 2011

Are We Cold

I think that my sweet daughter-in-law who was here for Christmas from Wisconsin, thinks we are freezing. They were the ones with out sweaters and shoes and in flip flops.
For Christmas Present. I got fleece sheets they are wonderful. Grandpa got a blanket he dearly loves. Great Grandma Taylor got one too, she uses hers everyday. She send new blankie to Willow, Poppy and Phoenix.
What can I say. We love them. Now we aren't freezing any more. If you have never tried a fleece sheet do and you will love it.


Brenda said...

It's all relative and what you're used to. When I lived in CA, I was cold when it got to 60 degrees. Here, when it's 50, it's shorts weather!

Taylor Swim said...

You guys always say you're freezing. I guess I never realized I gave you all warm stuff for Christmas-- ha ha! That's pretty funny. Well, at least you'll have stuff to use when you come and visit us.