Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bobbin Lace

Some of my recent bobbin lace projects.

My floppy little angel. She was just floppy then I added wire to her wings and etc. I love the way she turned out. A butterfly pin with a mini bobbin as the body.

I What fun they were making.


Brenda said...

Wow! Beautiful!

Stefanie Hathaway said...

that is so impressive! what an art! I need to learn how to crochet- i have a few baby projects i want to do. I may call you for tips! good job catching that fish in Mexico too! Im proud of you for not buying it and claiming it for your own :)

Taits said...

You did a beautiful job! I wish I enjoyed sewing or quilting or something - but I just don't. I do like to knit and crochet a little bit. You were asking how the bindi sticks to your forehead. (It's just a peel and stick) I'm not sure how they used to do it. The food was ok. Some of the Indian food is too spicy for me. And eating that late gives me major heartburn. But she had cooked for so long. I had to eat as much as I could.