Sunday, July 6, 2008


The Skirt
Melissa bought me this skirt at walmart just before I left for Chile. She told me that I would love it.
Look at it. It is black and basic. But love it. ??????????
At first I wore it only once a week. Now I wear it 3 times a week.
I do love it

This skirt wear like steel. Never wrinkles, needs no ironing, washes easy. You can just stuff it in your bag and take it out, shake and wear it. Really you can do that and it looks great. It looks the same as the day Melissa, brought it home to me.

Every sister missionary needs one. They also make slacks out or the same material. They also make other colors.


The Snow Queen said...

Do I know what going on or what! I saw you looking at all those old lady suits and knew that wasn't your Chilean Style... Are you going to bring it home? Or are you going to retire it in Chile? When I came home president Walker cut a piece of my dress off. He said he was going to make something out of all the pieces of skirt and ties. I could mail him a piece of it, becuase you are a WEST missionary you know!

Margene said...

I think that I am going to bring it home. If I go on another mission I will take it. I wear this skirt and brown skirt all the time.

catherine said...

another mission??? what i could barely handle this one. If you do go on another though maybe europe would be good I haven't been there.

Cherie said...

I will keep that in mind. Mike and I are looking at a mission in the next few years. we are looking forward to seeing you guys soon.