Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

As I am entering the sunset of my life. I know what is the greatest pay off of Motherhood.

It is being a grandmother.
My little grandkids love me unconditionally. I am old, wrinkled, can't walk and run with them as I once could. But, I can love them. It doesn't matter if my house is not as fancy as theirs. I have trees to climb. I have rocks and shells to collect. I have a computer they can play on. Games to play with them and grandma never ever wins. Lots of snacks. I can clean up the messes after they go home. I want Grandma's house to be a fun place to come.
These little spirits makes all the pains of being a mother worth while.
Any grandmother will agree with me. Happy Mother's Day


Brenda said...

What a beautiful post and so true!

The Snow Queen said...

I love that picture. Little Logan looks so cute.

Taylor Swim said...

Happy Mother's Day Margene! You are a super Grandma and all the kids love you!