I can eat anything I want to.
I don't have to worry if my colors match any more.
I'll wear only what I want to because it is comfortable.
I can stuff my kleenex in my sleeve if I don't have a pocket.
I can wear either my cros or berkinstocks to church.
If I get cold it is okay to wear a sweater that doesn't even match.
I can do what ever I want all day long. Read, sew, make lace, garden, or what ever.
I don't have to worry about, if I am in the latest style.
I can spend my money how I want.
When I drive slow; it is because I am old.
I can sleep in church, because all old people do.
If I don't hear the first time, please repeat it to me.
Help me find my glasses I can't read the small print.
It is okay to have loose skin that wiggles.
Now that I am old just accept me the way I am.
I am happy and have lots to give.
I have lived a long time and a lots of knowledge stored in my tired old brain.
from the older generation