Monday, March 8, 2010

Just 7 decades.

Now that I am old officially. I can do what I want to. RIGHT I can have ice cream for breakfast or whenever I want.
I can eat anything I want to.
I can wear any pair of socks I want.
I don't have to worry if my colors match any more.
I'll wear only what I want to because it is comfortable.

I can stuff my kleenex in my sleeve if I don't have a pocket.

I can wear any shoes I want . I onlly wear ones that are comfortable.
I can wear either my cros or berkinstocks to church.
If I get cold it is okay to wear a sweater that doesn't even match.

I can do what ever I want all day long. Read, sew, make lace, garden, or what ever.
I don't have to worry about, if I am in the latest style.
I can spend my money how I want.
When I drive slow; it is because I am old.
I can sleep in church, because all old people do.
If I don't hear the first time, please repeat it to me.
Help me find my glasses I can't read the small print.
It is okay to have loose skin that wiggles.
Now that I am old just accept me the way I am.
I am happy and have lots to give.
I have lived a long time and a lots of knowledge stored in my tired old brain.
from the older generation


The Snow Queen said...

Good to know things are really going to change.... now that you're old.

Julie T said...

Dear Grandma Margene,

Happy 7th decade!!! May you enjoy another year of good health, good food and good friends!

Love, from Julie, Stefanie's mom

Brenda said...

I love it! I am enjoying "getting old", even though I'm not 7 decades yet (5 decades is sneaking up in a couple of years!) Maybe I should start acting older now - I already wear crocs (all the time!), quilt, read, do jigsaw puzzles, etc. My kids are raised so I get to do what I want also. It's great! (I am too scared to eat ice cream for breakfast, cuz I wouldn't feel good enough to do all of the stuff I want to do!, besides, I ate ice cream for breakfast for years!)

Taylor Swim said...

Way to go Margene! Live it up!

Cherie said...

I loved your post on getting old. I was smiling the whole time I read it. You have definitely earned your wrinkles! Happy Birthday (Belated)

catherine said...

so because i'm your daughter does this mean I am going to dress like you? Greg calls me Margene all the time when I do things you do. the only difference is i'm not 70.

Adele Austin said...

The best line of all was "I have lots to contribute!" Loved your input and am glad you had a fun day with the kids. Will be following you into "old" quite soon!