We just got back from a trip to Sacramento. Paula Ceballo was a voluntary for the employment center in Chile, while we were also in Chile. She is here in the states on a great, scholarship at UC Davis. We wanted to see her before she returns home to Chile. So we made a trip up to see her. We got all caught up on the news and everyone we knew and she knew in Chile. And the earthquake. She still is a sweet as ever.
We also stopped in Atwater and saw Sister King. It was wonderful to see her and meet her boys that she talked so fondly about.
We did a little site seeing as well. The state captial in Sacramento. Sacramento was green and pretty not the dry California I know. It is hard to believe it is the same state as dry Southern California. But if it rains things turn green.
The Sacramento temple. It is the same building as our Redland temple. The Sacramento Temple grounds are huge, green, fun and more than just beautiful. A place you would want to take your family and just sit and enjoy the sweet spirit of the temple grounds. You can see the temple from the freeway and Folsom Blvd. But finding the road to get up the hill to it is almost impossible, unless you are a local or have been there before. After searching for a hour, we finally asked and then it was easy. I guess lots of people asks and the locals know just where the hidden road is; that takes you to the top of the hill.
We drove through Yosemite on the way back home. The park is beautiful and green, too. Is southern California the only place dry and brown on earth. The day was overcast so my pictures never turned out so great.
We are home and back to normal almost. Shopping, washing and etc.needs to be done. It is always nice to be back home.