Monday, July 19, 2010

Veggies Anyone

My garden is in full swing and I am enjoying it. How many different ways can you fix zucchinis???? I like zucchinis any way, but I think Dennis is getting tired of them.
Only green tomatoes as of yet. I have lots of green ones. Anyone for fried green tomatoes??
My beet greens are great. I have only little beets they may not last until they get bigger.
My green peppers turned out to be hot peppers. Not what I planned for.
My cumcubers are producing faster than the zucchinis can you believe that. So I make pickles. I found a package mix, for kosher dill pickles. I gave it a try. I added some dill that I was growing in my garden.
All I can say is YUMMMMMM like they do on the FOOD NETWORK and
you still don't know if it was really good or not. They really turned out to be good.


Brenda said...

Very impressive! nothing ready to harvest up here yet, but it's coming.

The Snow Queen said...

The dill pickles you made were fantastic! I'm definately going to get some pickles next year!

Taylor Swim said...

Wow! Those look great!