Sunday, July 10, 2011

Learning to sew.

Willow and I have been planning this day for a long time. She wanted me to teach her to sew, tat, bobbin lace or knit. The day finally arrived. Willow and Poppy spent the night, so I could teach them. Willow decided she wanted to sew on my machine and make a bag. Poppy wanted to make a sock monkey. We started at 9:00 am and worked all day only stopping for lunch. Her bag .

For the first timer on the sewing machine, she did excellent. Only one short seam needed to be taken out. How is that for a sweet granddaughter.

I only had to help her get started and then she was able to do the rest by her self. Her seams were straight. Notice we even made it reversable.

Poppy's Sock Monkey. I did the machine sewing and she stuffed it and did all the hand sewing.

Hard at work. I never got a picture of Willow sewing. We were too busy.

The monkey required lots on hand work. She never gave up and finished the whole monkey.

It doesn't matter, the color of the thread or all the stiches show, after all she is only 7.

I can't wait until next time and we can make something else.


Julie said...

what a fun Grandma you are!

Brenda said...

Oh, they are so adorable! I'll bet they love, love, love their projects!