Monday, November 17, 2008

This weeks project

Step by step showing how bobbin lace is made.
My bobbin are wound with thread and my pattern is pinned to my pillow.
I am ready to start. My glasses are on and I'm sitting in good light.
Now the fun begins.
I have been working on this for about three days.
Every time you make a a knot you have to put a pin in to keep the knot in place. Then I push the pins all the way down, so I can work over the top of them.
It is slow, but very rewarding, I love it. I know I am crazy.
Notice all the bobbins and they do get moved around when I have too many little grandkids' hands helping me. They push the pins for me.
I told Poppy I would teach her when she gets to be eight.

The finished product.

No wonder, our foremothers had only one dress with lace on.


Brenda said...

Margene - that is amazing! I'm glad you showed it like that, because I just didn't "get it" before. Wow. You are so funny too - 'our foremothers'!

Guzzisue said...

Just started a narrow bucks edging to keep my fingers busy! thanks for showing your lace and I like your bobbins, different from the ones I use. i rejoined the local lace society recently and found that not only is their membership in decline but many of the suppliers that used to be about have sadly ceased to exist. I hope that this art doesn't die out as it needs to be preserved.

Julie said...

No kidding. What a lot of work. You are so good at that.